Thursday, April 21, 2011

How has Your Spatial Thinking Changed?

At the beginning of the semester we played Sequence utilizing strategies that you believed could let you win the game every time. Now you are playing the game again. What have you noticed about your spatial thinking as result of the activities we have experienced in class?


  1. I think that my spatial thinking has increased by a lot. At the beginning of the semester I was horrible at trying to win the game. But after playing yesterday I could tell that my spatial thinking has gotten a lot better from playing all of the games and working with all of the website. I noticed myself looking at my cards more to see in advance what moves I wanted to make but I was also looking at what the other players and what moves they were making. For the most part this was a very good strategy for me.

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  3. I am still losing, but at a slower pace, i am able to keep the game going and have more that one place to win.

  4. My spatial thinking has increased a lot since the begging of the semester. The games and activities we've done have helped me gain a better knowledge of spatial awareness. Yesterday when we played sequence I noticed I played a lot better, I took my time to think of moves and plan a strategy that helped my team win 2 out of the 3 times.

  5. I am still losing, but at a slower speed, i am able to keep the game going and I can have more then one place to win.

  6. I was always good at sequence:), but I did notice a small change in my spatial thinking ability after playing spatial things in class for a semester. I got a little bit better at analyizing the board and almost always able to put down a chip next to one of my color that was either mine or my partner's. Alex always wants to beat me and he never will. :p
